Business Intelligence, Data Analysis
and Mathematical Modeling


Serving the industry since 1996 



WEST Computer Systems



WEST Computer Systems will be accepting no new clients, with the following exceptions, after January 1st, 2019.

1. We will discuss the needs of potential clients who come to us as referrals from existing clients.

2. We will discuss the needs of potential clients who come to us as referrals from those large companies who employee most of our existing clients.

3. We will discuss the needs of potential clients who come to us as referrals from a short list of industry figures who have referred clients to us in the past.



For those who fit one of the above three categories:


If you need automated tools for data analysis from your current software, we can write simple-to-use Excel spreadsheets with built-in data retrieval, metrics, and desktop dashboards.

If you need advanced algorithms for determining trend, hot-spots, clustering, or correlation, we can do the math, do the programming, and turn complex mathematical models into easy to use desktop tools.


A phone consultation is free. Email us for an appointment for a conference call at